Selasa, 24 Maret 2020

unforgettable experience

Unforgettable Experience

Hi my name is Nabila, I will tell you about my unforgettable experience is that I had an accident until my head leaked. That was a longtime ago when I was little, and it happened on the street neared my grandma's house.

It happened because my brother, the chronology was when I was invited by my brother to the store in the afternoon to accompany him to buy a snacks. After buying snacks on the way home suddenly there was the sound of my father's motorcycle, my father's classic vespa motorcycle which really sounded very loud even from a distance already heard, at that time my brother began to be afraid because we were not allowed to eat snacks carelessly with my father, so at that time my brother asked me to run fast, and the direction of our house was through a road that was so damaged that I fell and dragged and there my head leaked, here my clothes and my father's work clothes were soaked with blood from my head.

My feelings after the actual incident do not know because it has been a longtime and I do not remember what the pain was like and after that I was taken to the hospital and stitched up to 8 stitches.

Keterangan :
Merah         : Subject (S)
Biru            : Verb 2 (V2)
Hijau           : Object (O)
Coklat         : Keterangan (Ket)

Nabilah Salsabila (14219581)

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